Thứ Tư, 16 tháng 2, 2011

7 Cool Ways to Make Money With Google Adsense

The Google AdSense program has been known to be probably the most generous pay per click company, when it comes rewarding their publishers for their efforts. Not only do they pay them well, they look to even expand their ideas and make almost every aspect of the Internet profitable. And here today, I’d like to introduce some of the creative ways to make money with Google AdSense, that you may have never heard before. Who said that there was only one way to make money with a Google AdSense account?
Participate in Forums
If your an active member in a particular forum, check to see if they give some percentage of the revenue to active participants. A great forum that allows users to have a split end of the AdSense revenue is the Digital Point forums. Not only is this a great way to make money, it helps to encourage members to continue to socialize more with the community they love.
Incorporate AdSense Search
Got a website that has search functionality? Well, you can make that feature of your site profitable as well as make user experience enjoyable. Users will find the content they want and get to view relevant ads as well, which means more money for you. You can think of AdSense search like your own mini search engine.
Incorporate AdSense Ads to Your Feed
If you can make money off your website, why can’t you make money with your own web feed? With the features that Google includes in Feedburner, they make it possible for webmasters to maximize their profits with not only their site’s content but their feeds as well.
Write Articles
With generous article collaboration sites like Hubpages and Google Knol, who pay you to write articles with ads powered by Google AdSense, you can get your good share of profit whenever readers click an ad or view an ad. The more viewers your articles attract, the more money you make. Essentially, writing articles is great credibility wise as well as one of the great ways to make money.
Become a YouTube Partner
Like the idea of making money off making creative entertaining videos? Ever seen one of those Google Ads pop up whenever you were viewing a video off YouTube? Well, if you qualify to become a partner, whenever a viewer clicks or views an ad, you make your share of money. Especially if your videos are videos that are intriguing, they can really spread quickly like wildfire and make you a lot of money virally. Also, as an extra bonus, if any webmaster decides to embedded your video on their site, you even make money off the viewers from their site as well because the ads basically follow the YouTube video. The ways to make money by being a YouTube partner, is simply relentless.
Make Money Off Socializing
You like the idea of making money off socializing with people across the world with sites like Flixya? Flixya has it all and they pay 100% of the ad revenue to you! Whether you are there to share videos, photos, or just to make your own personal blog, you can be making money with them just by doing what you love, socializing!
Start Your Own Website
Got something intriguing to say that will inspire many to read about the stuff you have to say? Whether it be about cars or just about your personal life, anything goes. Google AdSense makes it possible for any webmaster to make money with their own personal website. If you have ever thought about starting up your own website, this may be your chance to make money online while writing about something you love. Starting your own website and making money off it for the first time, is of course a rewarding feeling that you will never forget.

How to Make Money with ClickBank for Free

There are hundreds of thousands of product owners on the web looking for skilled marketers to promote their products. The reason being is because every one is looking to make money as quick, and as efficient as possible. What differentiates the product owner from the marketer is that the product owner has a product to sell, while the marketer doesn’t. And likewise, the product owner could have little experience in marketing. Therefore, both parties are likely to join forces to create a mutual partnership where both can benefit from each other.
Now where does ClickBank fit into this process? ClickBank is the center stone of all this activity and is the marketplace of choice among most marketers and product owners, mainly because it is one of the most trusted marketplaces on the web dating from 1998. Not to mention, lays out literally thousands of opportunities for marketers to pick and choose from. Which of course, attracts product owners as well.
How ClickBank Works
The idea of ClickBank is that the product owners come to them to list their services/products in their marketplace, which eventually causes ClickBank to accumulate a wide range of offers where marketers can pick and choose from. If you take a look at the marketplace right now, they offer various products ranging from popular categories like Health & Fitness to lesser categories like Games. ClickBank literally always have something for you to promote.
Now you are probably wondering, what is in it for the marketer and the product owner?
Benefits of being the product owner
One of the main reasons why ClickBank is effective and less time consuming for product owners is because it requires literally no real communication between the affiliate marketer and the product owner to get affiliates started. Essentially, once a marketer is part of ClickBank, the marketer can start promoting right away. This saves both time and money for the product owner and to say the least, generally product owners “run the show.” Meaning that there is no downside to listing their product on ClickBank other than to benefit, because for every sale they make, they make profits. There is a reason why ClickBank is also known as the “E-Book Marketplace.”
Benefits of being the marketer
The marketer generally gets a fixed percentage of the sale. So let’s say that an affiliate marketer happens to be promoting a product on weight-loss for $37 and made his/her first sale. The marketer is most likely going to get paid anywhere from 45%-85% of the sale price. So the underlining detail to get out of this is that, how much they get paid depends on how many sales they make. Which can be either a upside or a downside for people because there is no limit to how much you can make, and if it doesn’t work out, it can be frustrating.
Somethings to consider being a marketer
When selecting a product to promote, you don’t want to blindly choose a product. It is advices to look at statistics prior to diving into the action. Here are some things to keep in mind when selecting a product to promote from the ClickBank marketplace.
  1. Gravity: Gives you an idea of how many affiliates are promoting that product. The higher the gravity indicates how many people are making money off it. The gravity # does not represent how many affiliates are promoting that product. However, bottom line is that bigger numbers represent more competition.
  2. Initial $/Sale: While some products will be a single sell product, with others you may have the opportunity to earn recurring commissions. If for example, you manage to sell a monthly subscription you may receive a repeating commission for the lifetime of that subscription. The inital sale is the average amount of money an affiliate earns for a one time sale of the product. The figure is adjusted to take into account any variation in sales price, refunds and sales tax. The actual amount that you receive may not be exactly the same as the figure quoted but it should not be too far off the mark.
  3. Avg Rebill Total: If the product you have helped sell is something like a subscription or membership that has a repeat fee involved, then the rebill total is the average amount that an affiliate will make across the rebilling history. This figure will not include the inital sale fee.
  4. Avg % Sale: This is just what it says it is and will include the average earning for an affiliate for all types of sales be they one time or repeating. Vendors may be offering variations of their products and so the commission they pay can vary.
  5. Avg % Rebill: This is the average commission for rebilling if the product has a repeating fee attached to it.
  6. Refunds: Although refunds isn’t listed in the ClickBank marketplace, be wary of bad products that may have high refund rates. If customers aren’t satisfied with the product you are promoting, it may come back to bite you. That is why it is advised to do some research first, or to experience reading/using the product first hand.
When being part of ClickBank, there are essentially no rules being the marketer. As long as the marketer is able to fulfill their duties as being well… marketers, whether promotion means using PPC networks, starting a website, blogging, whatever, everyone is happy in this type of system.
Bottom line, ClickBank is a PPS (pay per sale) marketplace where both product owners and marketers can come together to benefit from each other.
Register to become part of ClickBank for free here.

How to Make Money on YouTube

YouTube is the world’s first biggest online free video search engine, where users of all backgrounds and people who have different opinions, can share videos and express their opinions with one another as a whole community. So how do you make money on YouTube? That is an easy question actually. You probably already know the answer already: you have to gain a large user community that subscribes to your YouTube channel to become part of theYouTube partnership program. The fun thing about YouTube is that you can do practically anything to gain readers. Be funny, sing, dance, cook, make tutorials, just something out of the ordinary to gain more readers. This concept is exactly the same as blogging. If you happen to like vlogging with YouTube, blogging and having your own website is a must too because it can be just as exciting but without the limitations of vlogging on YouTube.
What is the YouTube Partner program?
Simply why the YouTube Partner program was designed is so it made it possible for top YouTubers to make money from their contributions. Basically, the program is directed to top YouTubers who have obtained a large user base of subscribers. The YouTube Partner program doesn’t accept just anyone, they call out individuals who once again, have a large user base of subscribers and simply split the revenue with the publisher. Sorry to burst your bubble but if you don’t have a large community that follows what you do, you simply cannot make money on YouTube. However, you can make money FROM it.
How to make money from YouTube
If you do not have a large community of subscribers following everything you do, which in most cases people do not, instead of joining YouTube’s Partner program, we will be taking a more typical approach that involves you having your very own website or Blogspot. The program i’m talking about to make money from YouTube is the Google’s Adsense program. In order to become part of the publishers program, you must have a website but it doesn’t require as high of requirements as Google’s YouTube Partner program.
The concept is, if you cannot join the YouTube Partner program, which most people are not eligible to join, you make your own website or landing page to direct viewers from YouTube to your website where you can display advertisements from the Google Adsense program to make money. Think of it like this:
YouTube viewers ==> Your blog + Adsense ads ==> Ads clicked = money
So now you may be wondering, is making a website affordable and is it free? It is both. If you plan on taking the more practically approach where most beginners blog with Blogspot simply because it is free, good go ahead because it will give you a good overview of how the process of generating loyal readers really is. And once you feel up to the real thing, you can launch your own website with your own domain name (e.g and your own web hosting. Generally it is better to have your own domain name and web hosting because of branding issues and much more. The good thing about Blogspot is that once you are done with your testing stage and become more knowledgeable as a webmaster, whatever subscribers you attracted, you can still transfer to your new website. Which means, you efforts are not lost in terms of number of subscribers.
If you plan on taking the free approach, the Blogspot approach, click here to view our step-by-step tutorial on how you can launch your very first money making Blogspot blog and make money from YouTube free.
If you plan to start out with the big guns and start your very own website with your very own domain name and web hosting, consider the affordable options that we recommend here.
Ideally, there is no stopping to how you can make money. To webmasters, YouTube is just nothing more but an another web platform where they can attract more potential loyal readers but just in form of a video. The possibilities are endless to make money from your website. Not only can you make money from YouTube, you can make money from practically any traffic-heavy website. Be creative and write, blog, vblog about stuff out of the oridnary and share it to the world. Next thing you know, you are on the front page of top social networking sites like Digg and Stumble Upon.

How to Make Money on eBay

eBay has been known to be the auction house of all websites, where both buyers and sellers come together to negotiate a fair price that comes to satisfy both. eBay is undoubtedly one of the great ways on the web to look for great bargains as well as a place to make money. They offer seller protection, display reasonable seller options, and allows buyers to bid on the prices they want. Overall, this creates a nice buyers atmosphere where both buyers and sellers win.
So how do you make money on eBay?
Making money on eBay is a fairly simple process. You open an account. Set the starting bid for the product you want to sell and you hit auction. Sounds easy right? But it isn’t as simple as it may seem. Be warned there are going to be a lot of enticing websites you are going to run into, and knowing which sites are legitimate and which are not, can save you a lot of trouble.
Why eBay?
Lets step back for a second and talk about why exactly eBay is the place to sell and not someplace else. In simple words, eBay has a lot of buyers and sellers flowing through out the website. What you are paying for, every time you list a new product to sell on eBay, is exposure. Think of eBay like a referrer. Without them, your product gets no exposure which means no sales. Whenever you make a sale, eBay gets an extra cut and you get the rest of the money. It is a win/win situation where both you and eBay makes a nice chunk of money.
1.) Finding that Perfect Product to Sell
The 1. step when selling on eBay is to find that perfect product to sell. Whatever product you decide to sell will define the overall success of your selling campaign. Maybe back 3 years ago, picking any product was fine because there wasn’t much competition, but now that there are more educated marketers on board, it is now very important to essentially pick that perfect product to sell that has both of these qualities. Has little to no competition and is profitable and in demand. That is why research and a little bit of testing is key to discovering and understanding your marketing success with eBay. Find a trend and find a trustworthy supplier, then stick with your market and start to expand from there. Decided to sell shoes? Good, now find a reasonable supplier and build from there. Maybe once you become a reputable seller, you can maybe even expand to more flexible markets like clothes. Less competition means more exposure and more exposure means more money in your eyes.
Some great tools to research popular trends and to help you first pick out that perfect product to sell are listed below:
2.) Finding a Trustworthy Supplier
Once you have done your research and have analyzed how much competition there is, your 2. step is the most hardest step of them all if you are serious about being a reputable seller on eBay. And that is, finding a trustworthy supplier. A reason why finding a trustworthy supplier is probably going to be your most hardest mission of them all when selling on eBay, is because no reseller on eBay is going to spill their secret. It may take days of research and hours of calling, maybe even visits, however, this is a phase most eBay sellers must go through to ensure a mutual partnership with a new supplier. If you are serious about selling on eBay, this is a process you must undergo. One thing to note is that most trustworthy suppliers you find online, aren’t very good at making themselves noticeable in the search engines so it is very important to negotiate and talk to different suppliers to find clues that lead to the actual supplier to cut out the middleman. The closer you are to the actual supplier, the more money you will make when you make a sale.
3.) Some Quick eBay Tips
These are just some common techniques incorporated in eBay that are widely accepted in the community to attract great results.
  1. Set a low starting bid.
  2. Pay for the inclusion of a picture. (this will help a lot!)
  3. Have a well written description of the product you are selling on the condition of the product and etc.
  4. Experiment with the markets. Make test runs before finding a supplier 100%.
  5. Keep your feedback score as close to 100% as possible.
  6. Give timely replies.
  7. Keep your promises.
An example of a good eBay listing

Ways for Teens to Make Money

No doubt do teens need money, they are about the closest age to premature to adults. As being an adult, everything revolves around money, from electricity bills to paying for a house mortgage. Preparing for that hectic life as a teenager can not only give teenagers a better glimpse of understanding adulthood, but can also help to prepare them money wise for the future.
Ways for Teens to Make Money
The ways for teens to make money are simply endless. One key value to get out of this is that essentially every last bit adds up. How much teens make out of some of these methods are totally up to how openly they are to opportunities. Trying to make money as a teenager can be a bit nerve wrecking at first, however, once you receive that first paycheck, it makes that moment that much worthwhile.
Department Stores: Typically most department stores would hire a teen for a helping hand, whether it be for a small deli store, or a somewhat large department store, it doesn’t hurt to ask. Back when I was a teen, most of my friends considered this as a way for teens to make money and still be able to excel in studying.
Pet Sitting: Pet sitting is one of the more lucrative ways to for teens to make money. It can be both fun and enjoyable and at the same time great for your wallet. No doubt is pet sitting one of the more relaxing, fun, and enjoyable duties out there that are applicable to both adult and teens.
Baby Sitting: You’ve got to learn how to change a baby’s diaper someday right? Why not learn how to while making money. Baby sitting goes beyond a great method of making money, it is also a great ordeal as a long life lesson to taking care of kid’s essential needs, such as, food, shelter, warmth, and etc; so when you’re in for the real deal, you know what to do.
Working on Computers: One of the biggest problems with adults is that they don’t have time to deal with technical stuff that revolves around operating a computer. This leaves a great open market for teens who are technological. That is why if you know some basic skills, such as, reformatting a computer, how to delete malicious files and spyware, you can charge a fee for your service, which can be time wise, a great benefit.
Typing Jobs: Although this is probably one of the most rarest occasion to find a job like this, if you do happen to find one like this and you’re good at typing, the rewards can be compensating. Typing jobs can leave you a remarkable $9-$15/h, not bad for the average teenager right? If you are quick at typing and love the idea of making money by typing papers, ask your parent’s co-workers or ask any business owner you know that might consider hiring such a position. Plus, on the bright side if you get the position, it is mobile; you can work at home or anywhere that has a computer.
Phone Calling: You have probably already have been doing this ever since you got your first cell phone, calling your friends, family members, whatever, but now you can be making money with phone calling for different reasons. Most business owners would consider calling services to find potentially interested customers, and for every hour or valued customer that does a certain “action,” you get compensated. This is overall a get work at home job that you can do anywhere on the go and the rewards can be compensating.
Tutor: Tutoring is a great way to make money with the luxury of helping a person out in a field that he/she needs more development in. Depending on what studies you are tutoring in, it can be of course, rewarding.
Ways for Teens to Make Money Online
Jobs on Craigslist: Nowadays, Craigslist is a great source to finding local opportunities that meet your expertise, whether it be jobs for typing, writing, designing, whatever, it is a source to reckon with. (list of classified ads sites)
Take Paid Surveys: Paid surveys are great for teens as well as parents to make an extra income on the side. Surveys can come from $1-$10 per survey depending on the duration of the survey and how interested they are with your profile. Two panels that I recommend teens to join are Ipsos I-say andSynovate.
Some more great legitimate paid survey panels you can join to make money online, can be found here.
Start Blogging: Anyone can start blogging and make money, even teens can blog and make money online. All there is to blogging is to write valuable content and attract readers to come and visit the blog and whenever you make a sale, lead or click, depending on what affiliate networks you join, you make money.
For more information on How to Make a Website and Make Money Off It, click here to learn more about how to get started.
Web Designing: As in a time of era of the social networking out pour, web designing in general is becoming a leading market that is available to both skilled teens and adults. Due to social networking sites like Myspace that are becoming a big hit, backgrounds, fonts, colors, are becoming a big market. You don’t even have to stop there. If you are skilled at what you do, you can even charge hundreds of dollars for your services. In this market, if you are good, you get really rewarding compensation, if you are not so good, not so great compensation. It is one or the other.
If you consider this to be your type of “work,” feel free to join CrowdSpring and 99 Designs to find web designing, logo designing, opportunities.
Sell Goods on Ebay: If you have some items that can still be worthwhile to another valued customer, consider selling it on Ebay. There’s bound to be someone wanting to buy what you are selling. Keeping away from all the clutter is already becoming a problem, so why not sell it and make a spare change while you are at it?
Write Product Reviews:
Ever purchased a merchandise or visited a certain site that you didn’t like? Well write about practically anything and you can be making money online with sites like CiaoEpinions, and ReviewStream. All that is required is that you write long length insightful reviews and not “I like this site because customer service was great.”
Get Paid to Write Articles: Got some helpful family oriented tips that you would like to share it for the world to see? Whether it be secret recipes or just a secret technique you use whenever you bake to make a pie crispy, you can write about practically anything as long as they are well written and informative and make money online. Some sites to consider joining are HeliumBukisa, and Associated Content. If you write valuable content, generally, the more they pay.
Note that copy and pasted articles won’t benefit you or them anything. You will be just wasting your time because they don’t accept already published work.

5 Quick Money Making Ideas

Money making is always a concern for anyone who wants to live a normal life without having any limitations. Ideas for money making can come in plenty of shapes and sizes, and here, I’d like to illustrate just 5 ideas. There are of course more than 5, but bare with me. You may also suggest your money making ideas as well on the comment form below.
Start a Joint Venture
Whats a joint venture? A joint venture is the business term that people commonly use when they are talking about a partnership that have combined thinkers to prospectively progress their business altogether. In most cases, joint ventures are formed simply because there may be some qualities that other businesses may have, that you do not, which both businesses can benefit from, like the Microsoft and Yahoo partnership against Google.
Start Your Own Network
Ever thought of starting your own network of affiliates? This prove to be a very resourceful method of getting constant income without having to do anything literally, if your network is already built and is reputable. The hardest part of starting your own network is the initial start. Once you pass that, and affiliates start joining your network, that is where the money comes pouring in. This is sort of like a long term business plan, but nonetheless, it can be very effective in terms of money making.
Construct Your Own Website
Online money making cannot be any easier. With all the networks and advertisers wanting to advertise on any relatively good site that has great content to offer, you can be literally making money after the first couple of weeks. Although making a website may be repetitive and tedious at first, (Coding) it can really pay off. New to making a website? Read our article on How to Make a Website and Make Money Off It.
Create a Community
Although, this may be somewhat the same as Constructing Your Own Website, starting your very own community can be both profitable and helpful despite what people may say. There are many paths you can choose to starting your own online community. With forums, with social networks, blogs, and video sharing networks like Youtube, the possibilities are endless. One thing to note is that, community building should be your first priority before ever offering affiliates offers. Over promoting can be rather bad.
Make Money Off Craigslist
Start making money with the world’s number one free classified ad network. Craigslist is particularly every freelancers dream. There are plenty of legitimate companies waiting for respondents to fill their duties, and they are willing to pay at a standard rate too. Not only can you profit from their job board, but you can also make money off the free stuff as well. About every now and then, you might see something go up for free, a couch, a tire, a car door, whatever, it is money in your eyes, and you can resell it for a small sum. Companies are even willing to pay for metal parts, so don’t count out the worn down, beat up car door, because it can be like finding an extra $50 off the ground.
A lot of company liquidations happens there too, which can be very profitable as well when resold. Freshen it, repaint it, add some parts, and it is practically good to go, and if I should say, it is good for the environment as well.

15 Easy Ways to Save Money Fast (That You Should Do)

There are many adjustments you can make in your life to save even more money. Believe it or not, there are many ways to save money and cut back on spending without it having to negatively affect your lifestyle. Finding the right opportunities and educating yourself of all the easy ways to save money, will guide you to a brighter luxurious future financially even if you aren’t close to being retired.
Open up a 401(k)
In 1978, Congress decided that Americans needed a bit of encouragement to save more money for retirement. They thought that if they gave people a way to save for retirement while at the same time lowering their state and federal taxes, they might just take advantage of it. So take advantage of the benefits of the 401(k) as soon as you can. It is doing everyone who plans on retiring a service. You could be saving money monthly because money inside a 401(k) is not taxed.
Here are some awesome calculators you can use to help plan your 401(k) and find out how much you can typically save if you act now.
Open up a savings account
If you got money lying around, nothing is better than to let your pile of money settle in a savings account while you earn money off interest risk-free than to leave it at home uninsured and not making interest. For the most part, most banks offer a savings account that you can enroll in anytime. The thing about savings accounts are that finding the bank with the higher APY may be a tedious search, however, the benefits may be worth it if you got a large sum of cash.
Avoid credit cards with annual fees
Credit cards with their cash back bonuses and reward points are a great way to save some money. Just make sure that the card does not charge you any annual fees! There is no dearth of cards that offer fee-free reward plans, so there really is no reason to pay the annual fees.
Buy non-perishable items in bulk
When buying non-perishable items, nothing saves more than to buy them in bulk. For items like toothpaste, toilet paper, and shampoo, it is best to stock up on them when given an opportunity. This can save you a lot of money on buying these items compared to buying the items singly from retail stores.
Used is just as good
The average consumer spends about $1,750 a year on clothing and its upkeep, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ most recent Consumer Expenditure Survey. You can potentially cut that in half by shopping at consignment shops and auctions, though the life of the goods may be less than buying new. To account for that, the annual savings may only amount to 25%, or $437.
Is your car fuel efficient?
Sometimes buying a new car that has a high fuel mileage is worth the investment because in the long run your investment could pay for it self full through fuel efficiency.
Drive less
Although this is hard for most folks, it is best to cut back on driving on occasions that isn’t necessary. If you must drive, it is always advised to use car pool or fast lanes whenever you are eligible to cut back on gas demand.
Avoid ATM fees
While a minority of banks don’t charge for ATM withdrawals, a majority of banks still do. That is why it is best to go directly to the bank to withdraw money or to choose another plan with a bank that doesn’t charge for ATM withdrawals.
Borrow instead of buying
If you know you need to buy something for something that is temporary, it is best to borrow something than to buy your own at full price. Mostly because after you are done using it, most of the times you won’t use it again.
Refer a friend to AT&T to make the switch & make $25
Although this offer is only valid to AT&T members, this offer can seriously help you pay for the AT&T bills. With every friend you refer that makes the switch to AT&T under your name, you get $25 worth of AT&T promotional credit to use for your next month’s bill. If you got a lot of relatives or friends, this way of money making can really save you a lot of money for months to come.
Increase your credit score for better mortgages
Although this is not one of the easier ways to save money, increasing your credit score can indeed benefit you whenever you are in need of a loan. Being timely with payments and keeping your debt in place is necessary to improve your credit score with your credit card.
Look for rebates or coupons
The benefits of rebates and coupons are pretty straight forward. For the sources of coupon sites we recommend checking out, click here.
Lower your bills just by asking
You never know that asking may lower your bills. It never hurts to try. I’ve heard a lot of stories of people asking for lower bills and sometimes they actually get rewarded. Call me crazy but sometimes companies are understanding.
Shop out less
This involves eating from fast food restaurants, buying unnecessary products, clothes, and etc. Cutting back on these spending habits can leave you with more money than you may have imagined.
Save on car insurance if you are a student
The average price for car insurance is $1,800, however, if you are a student the cost is a lot cheaper. For most top car insurance companies, they have a program that students can enroll in to get coverage for only a fraction of the price. I’ve been told that you could save up to $750/yr just by notifying your car insurance company about your level of education, the fact that you own a home, and that you are a consistent worker.
Also, another cool thing is that some car insurance companies endorse a low mileage discount that can save you up to $100/yr on your coverage. If you are a savvy person who doesn’t drive a lot, who typically drives less then 10,000 miles a year, this is another great add-on for you to save another $100 on your car insurance.