There are many adjustments you can make in your life to save even more money. Believe it or not, there are many ways to save money and cut back on spending without it having to negatively affect your lifestyle. Finding the right opportunities and educating yourself of all the easy ways to save money, will guide you to a brighter luxurious future financially even if you aren’t close to being retired.
Open up a 401(k)
In 1978, Congress decided that Americans needed a bit of encouragement to save more money for retirement. They thought that if they gave people a way to save for retirement while at the same time lowering their state and federal taxes, they might just take advantage of it. So take advantage of the benefits of the 401(k) as soon as you can. It is doing everyone who plans on retiring a service. You could be saving money monthly because money inside a 401(k) is not taxed.
Here are some awesome calculators you can use to help plan your 401(k) and find out how much you can typically save if you act now.
Open up a savings account
If you got money lying around, nothing is better than to let your pile of money settle in a savings account while you earn money off interest risk-free than to leave it at home uninsured and not making interest. For the most part, most banks offer a savings account that you can enroll in anytime. The thing about savings accounts are that finding the bank with the higher APY may be a tedious search, however, the benefits may be worth it if you got a large sum of cash.
Avoid credit cards with annual fees
Credit cards with their cash back bonuses and reward points are a great way to save some money. Just make sure that the card does not charge you any annual fees! There is no dearth of cards that offer fee-free reward plans, so there really is no reason to pay the annual fees.
Buy non-perishable items in bulk
When buying non-perishable items, nothing saves more than to buy them in bulk. For items like toothpaste, toilet paper, and shampoo, it is best to stock up on them when given an opportunity. This can save you a lot of money on buying these items compared to buying the items singly from retail stores.
Used is just as good
The average consumer spends about $1,750 a year on clothing and its upkeep, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ most recent Consumer Expenditure Survey. You can potentially cut that in half by shopping at consignment shops and auctions, though the life of the goods may be less than buying new. To account for that, the annual savings may only amount to 25%, or $437.
Is your car fuel efficient?
Sometimes buying a new car that has a high fuel mileage is worth the investment because in the long run your investment could pay for it self full through fuel efficiency.
Drive less
Although this is hard for most folks, it is best to cut back on driving on occasions that isn’t necessary. If you must drive, it is always advised to use car pool or fast lanes whenever you are eligible to cut back on gas demand.
Avoid ATM fees
While a minority of banks don’t charge for ATM withdrawals, a majority of banks still do. That is why it is best to go directly to the bank to withdraw money or to choose another plan with a bank that doesn’t charge for ATM withdrawals.
Borrow instead of buying
If you know you need to buy something for something that is temporary, it is best to borrow something than to buy your own at full price. Mostly because after you are done using it, most of the times you won’t use it again.
Refer a friend to AT&T to make the switch & make $25
Although this offer is only valid to AT&T members, this offer can seriously help you pay for the AT&T bills. With every friend you refer that makes the switch to AT&T under your name, you get $25 worth of AT&T promotional credit to use for your next month’s bill. If you got a lot of relatives or friends, this way of money making can really save you a lot of money for months to come.
Increase your credit score for better mortgages
Although this is not one of the easier ways to save money, increasing your credit score can indeed benefit you whenever you are in need of a loan. Being timely with payments and keeping your debt in place is necessary to improve your credit score with your credit card.
Look for rebates or coupons
The benefits of rebates and coupons are pretty straight forward. For the sources of coupon sites we recommend checking out, click here.
Lower your bills just by asking
You never know that asking may lower your bills. It never hurts to try. I’ve heard a lot of stories of people asking for lower bills and sometimes they actually get rewarded. Call me crazy but sometimes companies are understanding.
Shop out less
This involves eating from fast food restaurants, buying unnecessary products, clothes, and etc. Cutting back on these spending habits can leave you with more money than you may have imagined.
Save on car insurance if you are a student
The average price for car insurance is $1,800, however, if you are a student the cost is a lot cheaper. For most top car insurance companies, they have a program that students can enroll in to get coverage for only a fraction of the price. I’ve been told that you could save up to $750/yr just by notifying your car insurance company about your level of education, the fact that you own a home, and that you are a consistent worker.
Also, another cool thing is that some car insurance companies endorse a low mileage discount that can save you up to $100/yr on your coverage. If you are a savvy person who doesn’t drive a lot, who typically drives less then 10,000 miles a year, this is another great add-on for you to save another $100 on your car insurance.
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